Product Packages - Small Business Essentials
For our Small Business customers, we have developed specific product packages designed to make your businesses run a lot more securely and efficiently – at a very affordable price!
- W.A.R.P. Remote Access
Imagine being able to work on your office computer from anywhere, at anytime – just as if you were sitting right at your desk! We have a solution that now makes that virtually possible – it’s like you’re right back at the office. It’s secure, it’s very affordable – and it should be installed on your computer!
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- DataSafe Backup
Most people don’t even want to think about what they would do if their computer crashed and they lost all of their data – it’s everyone’s worst nightmare! It’s also a very preventable one. With this simple backup solution, your data is safe – and you can get back to dreaming up ways to make your company grow instead!
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MS Small Business Server
If you’ve ever even thought about getting a network, chances are that you probably need one! You know what –– even if you haven’t thought about it, there’s still a pretty good chance that you need one! Don’t think you’re big enough to need a network – or afford one? Think again.
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- Wireless Networking
Wouldn’t it be convenient to have network access in every location around the office that you ever needed it? Unfortunately, it simply isn’t practical or economically feasible to have that many network cables installed. There is another solution – it’s time to check out wireless! It gives you the flexibility that you need without the exorbitant cost. And, if configured properly, it can be as secure as a traditional wired network.
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- Website Design & Development
Looking to attract new customers – and perhaps expand the business you do with your current clients? Most companies are! One of the most visible and cost effective marketing tools at your disposal is a well–designed website. Customers in today’s marketplace demand instant access to your company info. If it’s not readily available, many will move on to one of your competitors. Make sure they can find you!
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- Web Services
Still not sure if you’re quite ready to take the plunge with a full–blown website? We have a couple of introductory options to help get your feet wet first. You can start out with Web Parking or one of our introductory web development packages. We also offer maintenance or upgrade services for your current website, as well as a full range of web hosting options.
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- Outsourcing: IT Services for Small Business
Different companies have differing needs. You might need someone to handle a one–time issue; perhaps you’re looking for end–to–end IT services –– or something in between. Latest Developments offers a variety of IT services and service packages to meet the varying needs of our clients.
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